Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine double-page photo shoot

This page will include all the images that were taken for my double page spread, it will include the images that I took but never intended to use for the actual double page spread I also have uploaded the before and after of editing each image which I used to show what a difference their is from the original image to the edited. Each image that I edited was edited in Macromedia Fireworks, the reason for me using this programme is because it had a number of tool which allowed me to delete the whole background away and edit the brightness and contrast of the image. I was also able to use free hand tools as well as shapes in what ever colour I preferred.

I really liked this image because it was quite a casual image trendy one that would appeal to my audiences, however  I didn't like her facial expression on it, I wanted her to have more of a smile on it, whereas on this one she doesn't seem to look to happy, it could just be the fact that she was uncomfortable posing in front of the camera.

I really like this picture because I think that the model looks really pretty in this image and comfortable in front of the camera now. It is quite a natural picture because she isn't posing making it seem fake and like every other picture that was taken. However when I uploaded the image into fireworks to edited the image, it turned all pixelated and disfigured her face and arms which was very unfortunate.

The image to the left isn't very clear so I wouldn't have been able to use this image, also it has quite a lot of shadows on it, which would have made it hard to edit.

The three image above this text is the actual image that I used for my double page spread, edited and unedited.
The image on the left was the original image I had taken, the reason I chose this image was because the love heart shape she made link in with my article about her 'dating' Justin Bieber. The centre image was the first editing I made of the image, I brighten the image and outlined the image with pink, however the outline looked to fake which mean I didn't think I should use it as it didn't have a professional look to it. I then re-edited the image by cropping it from the background and giving it a shadow, which I decided would be my final image (the image to the right).

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