To start with I selected my background colour of a pale grey which then faded down into white, the reason for me choosing this effect and colours for the background was because I knew any colour would go with those two colours, also just about any colour could stand out from that background making it draw attention to the cover. I chose to firstly put in my sell line and title because they would be the easiest things to put into position whereas the cover lines I would most likely have to move around quite a bit so that the magazine doesn't look too spacious. I then decided to put the price on after that to filll in the blank gap I had in the top right corner.
I next only added in my website and bar code because they were also items that were easy to put into position because, they will only ever be placed at the bottom of the cover as they would look out of place if they were position anywhere else. I couldn't have placed them in the middle of the magazine because it wouldn't look professional and if would ruin the rest of the cover, the only other place where I would have decided to place them would at the very top of the page position in the corners like I have now, however I have my sell line there which wouldn't look good in any other layout on the page.

Finally I included my cover lines on my cover, however I dont like the position of them because I seem to have a lot of blank spaces, causing it to look unprofessional.
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