Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music magazine cover photo shoot

This page will include all the images that were taken for my cover, it will include the images that I took but never intended to use for the actual over. I also have uploaded the before and after of editing each image which I used to show what a difference their is from the original image to the edited. Each image that I edited was edited in Macromedia Fireworks, the reason for me using this programme is because it had a number of tool which allowed me to delete the whole background away and edit the brightness and contrast of the image. I was also able to use free hand tools as well as shapes in what ever colour I preferred.

The image to the left was the first image I had taken for my cover, this one just trial one to see how the image turn out; I had to see if the clothes looked right in the image and in case  the top blended in with the background.
Although this image was trial run I would have used it if it was a decent image but, the first one didn't turn out well because my model didn't know how to pose, that is the reason for her hands being either side of her.

Again I didn't use this image (to the right) because I didn't like the stance my model was using when taking the image, I think perhaps if she done something different with her arms the final image could have look better. However because I didn't like this image at all I didn't think of taking another like it but with her doing something with her arms.

I really like this image to the left because of how fun and interesting it is, however I couldn't really use a sitting down image for my cover because I don't think it would look right, I also don't think that my audience would like the idea of my models face being covered because most covers have mode of address with the audience by using direct eye contact.

The image to the right is the actual image I used for my for my front cover because I liked the idea of her having her head tilted with her hand on a hip because it looks like she has attitude but at the same time has quite a cute look to it by her having her head tilted. The image to left is the edited version of my image which I actually used for my cover. The reason for me editing my image is because the background wasn't suitable for the cover and it made it look unprofessional.

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